On my twenty-first birthday I challenged myself to complete the "1 Second Everyday Challenge" using the app. I was successful with it and now I have this little video to remind me of all of the fun things that I did during the year. I love that I have this video to look back on. It's crazy how one second can remind you of such great memories. Sure, some days were more exciting than others, but I had a pretty great year.
When I first turned twenty-one I was living in an on-campus apartment with my best friend. We had never been roommates before and we had such a fun time.

Of course, with christmas comes an assortment of fun things to do on campus as I go to a catholic school. We participated in the gingerbread house contest and went to christmas feast.

I came home just in time for Spring Weekend at my college so I got to see all of college friends before the summer started.

Summer was filled with working and friends, so it was amazing. And then it ended with a trip to South Carolina, which was a fun-filled week to say the least.
Back at school I am now a senior, living with two close friends and two girls I didn't know until move-in day, but have quickly grown close to. I have a packed schedule with 3 classes, 2 jobs, 1 internship, and numerous club responsibilities, but I'm making it work!
I'm so glad I downloaded this app so I can look back and see all of the good times I've had. I find myself smiling throughout the entire video! I can't wait to see what Twenty-Two brings!!
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